This was going to be longer, but I set it aside as a draft a month ago and now I ’t remember what else I had in mind, if anything. Anyone have as/tips/thoughts on this? ― someone who’s do successfully, or had it doo him? Ladies, what circumstances would make you willing to “try stuff” with another woman?
This is another of those topics that seems to draw people here, although it’s not something that I remember talking about much before. But hey, if people are ied I guess I write about it.
First off, I’ve never dohis. I don’t think I ever would. Holy, it’s the whole “gay guys are out to seduce us!” idea that makes us straight guys cover up in the showers and stuff. To say nothing of the jokes about dropping the soap. It’s not so much that we ’t hahe fact that some guys like uys, it’s that we’re not fortable being the guys uys like. So the whole “seduce the straight guy” bit seems terproductive ― at least fay/bi guys who’d like ao what they see as homophobia.
Also, I’ve never really had it doo me. My brother is the only gay guy I hang out with regularly (as far as I know, anyway), and he doesn’t have any bit of the “straight guy fetish” that some guys seem to have. So this is really just a list of some things *one* (mostly) straight guy thinks might be important.
Anyway. If you’re serious about doing it anyway, a couple things you might want to keep in mind:
1. He’s not goed if he’s not “ied”. (Read “horny”.)
2. He’s not goed if he’s flat-out turned off by you. This is perhaps more applicable fay guys who e across as a little more femihan average; for some reason, what’s attractive to us in women is a little bit of a turnoff in a guy. Not to say that you have to go out of your way to act hyper-mase, especially if it’s really putting on act; just that it’s easier to feel attracted to someone you feel fortable with, and easier to feel fortable with someone when you feel like you’ve got some on ground. Then again, mayb